Consumers Spend More, and More Often, on Mothers vs. Fathers on Amazon
Amazon US consumers are likely spending more on their mothers versus their fathers when it comes to Mother’s and Father’s Day. Looking across more than two years of data, the average price of products appearing across Mother’s Day-related generic keywords is 74% higher than Father’s Day-related keywords.
The most popular Mom-related gift-giving search terms remain more heavily searched in the run-up to Mother’s Day and the months following the holiday. There is a much more brief and concentrated rise in popularity for Father’s Day terms before a steep drop after the third week of June. Notably, Father’s Day terms (e.g. ‘gifts for dad’) do rise in popularity in the run-up to Prime Day more so than mother-related terms.
Biggest Takeaways for Brands
- Plan for mom-related gift search terms to almost always be ‘in season’
- Consumers are frequently searching for generic, mother-related search terms on Amazon through long periods of the year, and spending comparatively well on these terms
- For brands selling relevant products, it may be worth more slowly tapering down bids on these high-volume generic terms following the Mother’s Day period to take advantage of the sustained higher search volume
- Brands selling Father’s Day and dad-themed goods need to heavily prioritize the May through June period, and then focus on Prime Day
- Shoppers are seemingly more ‘last minute’ when it comes to Father’s Day, and search advertising budgets and CPCs should follow this behavior
- A smaller but speedier uptick in search activity comes before the Prime Day period, which could be a good time to at the very least use DSP and other tools to build in-market audiences for the sale event itself
To form discrete Mother’s Day-related and Father’s Day-related generic keyword sets, Momentum Commerce isolated 87 relevant terms across the most frequently searched 250,000 Amazon US search terms in April and May 2022, 2023, and 2024, along with June 2022 and 2023. Example terms isolated include ‘fathers Day gifts’, ‘fathers Day gifts from daughter’, ‘mom gifts’, ‘mothers Day gifts’, etc.
To form the time series graph on search term popularity, weekly search ranks were then pulled for these terms from the last week of March 2022, 2023, and 2024, through June 2022, 2023, and 2024, with July data included for 2022 and 2023.
For pricing data, Momentum Commerce analyzed the average price of products displayed across the sets of Mother’s and Father’s Day-related generic keywords from April 1 through June 30 in 2022 and 2023, and April 1 through June 14, 2024.